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      2016 E-News NO.6

      Release date 2016/12/1
      RubberTech  China 2016
      Contacter:  Mr. Chris Lin  TEL:+86-10-53779792  
      FAX:010-53779608    E-mail: rubbertech@www.qddczs.com   www.rubbertech-expo.com
      Reifen  China 2016
      Contacter: Mr. Aron Liu   TEL:010-53779792 
      FAX :010-53779608   E-mail: reifen.china@www.qddczs.com  www.reichina.com

      News Express :
      ▲Statistics by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM)show that output and sales of automobiles from January to May in 2016 reached 10,844,000 units and 10,755,000 units respectively, a growth of 5.8% and 7% compared with the same period of last year. Output and sales of automobiles in May reached 2,065,000 units and 2,092,000 units respectively, a growth of 5% and 9.8% compared with the same period of last year.
      ▲Statistics by China’s customs show that China’s NR and SR (including latex) imports in May reached 470,000 tons, making the total imports of NR and SR (including latex) from January to May 2,270,000 tons, compared with 1,610,000 tons of last year. Updated data show as of the end of May, rubber inventory of Qingdao Bonded Zone reached 233,000 tons, including 186,000 tons of NR, 41,000 tons of SR and 5,400 tons of compound rubber.
      ▲Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company is going to invest 10 billion Baht to build an all steel radial tire production line of 1,500,000 units annually and an OTR production line of 50,000 units in Lisheng Rubber Industrial Park in Thailand. This project is supposed to go into operation in April 2017 and provides more than 800 jobs. Tires produced will be sold in Thailand, ASEAN and North America market with estimated sales revenue of 12 billion Baht.
      ▲Sentury Tire finished acquisition of Lisheng Rubber Industrial Park with 3.5 billion Baht and plans to build a multifunctional industrial park with 10 tire manufacturers and 10 supporting enterprises from upstream and downstream
      ▲Statistics by Shandong Rubber Industry Association showed that tire export volume of Shandong province in the first quarter of 2016 reached 46,890,000 units, increasing by 15.5% compared with the same period of last year. Export value reached 10,140 million RMB, increasing by 6.8% compared with last year.

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