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      2015 E-News NO.3

      Release date 2015/12/25
      RubberTech  China 2015
      Contacter:  Mr. Chris Lin  TEL:+86-10-53776792 
      FAX:010-53779608   E-mail: rubbertech@www.qddczs.com  
      Reifen  China 2015
      Contacter: Mr. Aron Liu   TEL:010-53779792 
      FAX :010-53779608   E-mail: reifen.china@www.qddczs.com

      News Express :
      ▲China’s NR and SR (including latex) import in January 2015 reached 350,000 tons, a decrease of 27.6%, compared with 410,000 tons of December 2014.Natural rubber imported reached 217,000 tons, a decrease of 36.6%. Synthetic rubber imported reached 134,000 tons, a decrease of 6%. Statistics showed that the downward trend for the average price of international rubber market hasn’t improved obviously.
      ▲Ethylene propylene rubber market of China will be oversupplied. Domestic market has greatly reduced its dependency on overseas market because of capacity at home can meet demand. However, the inburst of foreign products with technology advantage will intensify the competition in China’s EPR market..
      ▲The second phase of Cheng Shin Rubber (Zhangzhou) Ind.Co.,Ltd is under construction since January. Nine hundred million yuan will be put into the whole project. When the whole project is put into operation in 2016, 140,000 tires will be produced each day, including 85,000 electric vehicle tires and 55,000 motorcycle tires.
      ▲Earnings preannouncement of Double Star shows that net profits in 2014 attributable to the shareholders increased by 100%-120% compared with the same period of the previous year and would reach an amount between RMB 55.35 and 60.88 million yuan. The reasons accounting for the growth are product mix adjustment and technical innovation. Highly variable and high-end products with high added value and low reject and compensation ratio are developed. Differentiated products of high-end, middle-end and low-end series greatly help improve profitability of Double Star.
      ▲Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., world’s largest tire manufacturer, is planning to import a large amount of gutta percha from China to improve its products performance so that they can seize more market shares. New Energy Industry Department of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) also aims at China’s gutta percha resources and has set up gutta percha production base in Henan and Shanxi.

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