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      2015 E-News NO.6

      2015 E-News NO.6
      Release date 2015/12/25
      RubberTech  China 2015
      Contacter:  Mr. Chris Lin  TEL:+86-10-53776792 
      FAX:010-53779608   E-mail: rubbertech@www.qddczs.com  
      Reifen  China 2015
      Contacter: Mr. Aron Liu   TEL:010-53779792 
      FAX :010-53779608   E-mail: reifen.china@www.qddczs.com

      News Express :
      ▲China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM)released the survey on the performance of automobile industry in May, 2015. Sales of May reached 1,903,800 units, decreasing by 0.4 % compared with the same period of last year. Output reached 1,964,200 units, decreasing by 0.6% compared with the same period of last year. Output and sales of automobiles from January to May in 2015 reached 10,244,400 units and 10,046,200 units respectively, a growth of 3.2% and 2.1% compared with the same period of last year.
      ▲China’s NR and SR (including latex) imports in April 2015 reached 350,000 tons, including 220,000 tons of NR and 130,000 tons of SR, decreasing by 13.5% and 4.9% respectively compared with the same period of last year.
      ▲As of the end of April 2015, domestic HCBR production capacity reached 1,602,000 tons.
      ▲Import amount of halogenated butyl rubber of China in the first quarter of 2015 decreased significantly by 20% compared with the same period of last year and the average price dropped by 13%.
      ▲Taraxacum Rubber Technological Innovation Strategies Alliance has been officially set up in Beijing in an aim to promote the production and application of taraxacum rubber and reduce dependence on natural rubber exports.

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