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      2016 E-News NO.7

      News Express 
      ▲Statistics by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM)show that output and sales of automobiles from January to June in 2016 reached 12,892,000 units and 12,830,000 units respectively, a growth of 6.5% and 8.1% compared with the same period of last year. Output and sales of automobiles in June reached 2,049,000 units and 2,071,000 units respectively, a growth of 10.5% and 14.6% compared with the same period of last year.
      ▲National Development and Reform Commission has released the report on the performance of the chemical industry on May 2015, indicating a 10.3% growth in industry value and a 1.2% increase in growth rate. Among the major products, the output of synthetic rubber increased by 14.1% to 2, 080,000 tons and the output of rubber tires increased by 8.4% to 376,250,000 units. 
      ▲Kemai Chemical Co., Ltd has developed a new way to treat the waste water of rubber vulcanization accelerators with the MVR evaporating equipment and has realized cleaner production.
      ▲Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Commerce made a report on the foreign investment of our country from January to May which showed that Chinese investors make non-financial foreign direct investment on 4,136 overseas enterprises within 151 countries around the world totaling at 479,260 million RMB (73,520 million USD, an increase of 61.9%).
      ▲The four industry standards on RFID tire electronic tag approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology was officially put into implementation on July 1, 2016, setting regulations on the functional capabilities, implantation technique and encoding method to ensure tire safety. 
      ▲Continental AG has announced to set up a R&D center in Chongqing city, committed to the development of automotive electronics products, application products and solutions in new energy vehicles and industrial area and supposed to run into operation on 2018.
      ▲Boye county of Hebei province has developed into the largest rubber conveyer belt production center after thirty years of development in northern China.

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