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      2017 E-News NO.04

      News Express 
      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR and SR (including latex) imports of March 2017 reached 700,000 tons, making the total import amount from January to March 1,770,000 tons, an increase of 22.9% compared with 1,300,000 tons of last year; Up to March 2017, rubber inventory in Qingdao Free Trade Port Zone is 197,900 tons, including 144,800 tons of NR, 48,700 tons of SR, and 44,00 tons of compound rubber. 
      According to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM), output of automobile in March reached 2,604,000 units, increasing by 3.04% compared with last year; sales of automobile reached 2,542,900 units, increasing by 3.98% compared with last year. Output of automobile from January to March reached 7,133,100 units, increasing by 7.99% compared with last year; sales of automobile from January to March reached 7,002,000 units, increasing by 7.02% compared with last year. Output of new energy automobile in March reached 33,015 units, increasing by 30.9% compared with last year; sales of new energy automobile reached 31,120 units, increasing by 35.6% compared with last year. Output of new energy automobile from January to March reached 58,317 units, dropping by 7.7% compared with last year; Sales of new energy automobile from January to March reached 55,929 units, dropping by 4.7% compared with last year. 
      The price downward trend of SR and NR is obvious. Up to mid-March 2017, rubber inventory in Qingdao Free Trade Port Zone keeps increasing to 187,000 tons, an increase of 12.52% compared with 166,200 tons of the end-February. Among them, there are 137.500 tons of NR, increasing by 14,100 tons compared with last year, and 45,100 tons of SR, increasing by 6,700 tons compared with last year. NR consumption depends on imports and import volume stays high.
      Sales of heavy truck in February reached 90,000 units, increasing by 1.5 times compared with last year. Total sales of heavy truck in March reached 106,000 units, increasing by 42% compared with 74,000 units of last year and increasing by 23% compared with February this year, reaching a new peak over the past six years.

      China Rubber Industry Association statistics and survey showed that total output of national automobile tires in 2016 reached approximately 610 million units, increasing by 7.9% compared with last year. Output of radial tires reached 565 million units, increasing by 9.7% compared with last year. Among the radial tires, output of all-steel radial tires reached 121 million units, increasing by 10% compared with last year; output of semi-steel radial tires reached 444 million units, increasing by 9.6% compared with last year. National rubber consumption reached 9,300,000 units, including 4,900,000 tons of NR which increased by 5% compared with last year and 4,400,000 units of SR which increased by 9% compared with last year. 

      Automobile groups made big profits in 2016. Saic released 2016 annual report which showed that the operating income reached 756, 416 million RMB, increasing by 12.82% compared with last year and net profit reached 32,009 million RMB, increasing by 7.43% compared with last year. According to statistic, business performance of Saic set a new record.

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