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      2017 E-News NO.10

      News Express 
      According to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM), output and sales of automobiles in September reached 2,671,000 units and 2,709,000 units respectively, increasing by 5.5% and 5.7% compared with last year. From January to September, output and sales of automobiles reached 20,349,000 units and 20,225,000 units, increasing by 4.8% and 4.5% respectively compared with last year. Output and sales of passenger vehicles reached 17,328,000 units and 17,150,000 units, increasing by 3% and 2.4% compared with last year; output and sales of commercial vehicles reached 3,021,000 units and 3,074,000 units, increasing by 16% and 17.9% compared with last year; Output and sales of new energy vehicles reached 4,240,000 units and 3,980,000 units, increasing by 40.2% and 37.7% compared with last year.
      National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has released the survey on the performance of chemical industry for August. The value added for chemical industry of August increased by 3.9% compared with last year, growth rate decreased by 4.8% compared with last year. Of the major chemical products manufactured, the output of synthetic fibre increased 10.1%, SR decreased by 6.2%, and rubber tires increased by 2.6% compared with last year. Of the major products manufactured, the output of SR reached 3,820,000 tons, increasing by 4%; synthetic fibre reached 30,990,000 tons, increasing by 4.8%; and rubber tires reached 647,980,000 units. 
      China has become the world's largest producer of synthetic rubber. By the end of 2016, the total production capacity of the eight major synthetic rubber in China reached 5,780,000 tons. The total output of China's SR industry reached 3,333,000 tons, increasing by 5.6% compared with last year.
      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR imports for August 2017 reached 200,000 tons, increasing by 6% compared with last year; the value of imports increased by 24.1%. From January to August, NR imports reached 1,790,000 tons, increased by 19.8% compared with last year, and the value of imports increased by 88%. SR imports for August 2018 reached 370,000 tons, increased by 30.1% compared with last year, and the value of imports increased 44.6%. From January to August, SR imports reached 2,660,000 tons, increased by 27.6% compared with last year, and the value of imports increased by 73.7%.

      From January to July, China exports tires of 280,000,000 units, increasing by 2.3% compared with last year; U.S.A. exports tires of 33,253,000 units, decreasing by 15.1% compared with last year; Mexico exports tires of 14,738,000 units, decreasing by 5.8% compared with last year. The number of tyres exported to Brazil in emerging markets reached 2,400,000 units, maintaining continuous growth for six years. Exports to Canada increased by 32.9% from January to July, while exports to Nigeria and Russia were small. From January to July, Brazil, Nigeria and Russia increased by 68.1%, 31.9% and 20.8%, respectively, growing fast. Exports to Germany increased by 14.2% from January to July January to July, while exports to the UK decreased by 1.6%. Major countries in the Middle East are performing poorly and declining.

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