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      2018-E-NEWS NO.03

      News Express :

      National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has released the survey on the performance of chemical industry for 2017. In 2017, the value added for chemical industry increased by 3.6% compared with last year; growth rate decreased by 4% compared with last year. Of the major products manufactured the SR output reached 5,790,000 tons, increasing by 4%; synthetic fiber reached 44,810,000 tons, increasing by 5%; and rubber tires reached 926,180,000 units, increasing by 5.4%.

      In 2017, NR imports reached 5,665,400 tons, increasing by 26.36% compared with last year. In December, NR imports reached 709,100 tons, increasing by 29.4% and hitting a record high.

      Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Company is currently China's largest and Asia's second largest synthetic rubber manufacturer, with an annual capacity of nearly 400,000 tons. Among them, the capacity of styrene butadiene rubber is 230,000 tons per year.

      Linglong tyre (601966) signed with Juventus to become its premier partner.  Linglong sticks to its marketing strategy to go global via sports events.

      From January to November in 2017, production value of rubber tire industry in Dongying city of Shandong province was 458,420 million RMB, increasing by 32% compared with last year.

      Jinneng Technology Co., Ltd. released its 2017 earnings preannouncement. The preannouncement shows that the company's net profit attributable to shareholders increased by 211,000,000 RMB to 296,000,000 RMB, increasing by 50% to 70% compared with last year.

      At the opening ceremony of the Industrial Internet Summit 2018, directed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the rubber industry is expected to be actively engaged in the development of national industrial internet.

      Recently, the “1st Vietnam natural rubber supplier conference" hosted by the Sailun Jinyu Group was successfully held at the GEMCENTER conference center in Ho Chi Minh City. The theme of the conference is "collaborative development, win-win cooperation". In 2017, the use of natural rubber in Jinyu’s Vietnam factory surged, with an annual consumption of more than 40,000 tons, 11 new suppliers and 28 qualified suppliers.

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