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      2018-E-NEWS NO.04

      News Express :

      National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has released the survey on the performance of chemical industry for January to February 2018. The value added for chemical industry increased by 2% compared with last year, growth rate decreased by 4%. Of the major products manufactured, the output of SR reached 1,050,000 tons, increased by 2.5%; synthetic fibre reached 6,450,000 tons, increased by 3.3%; and rubber tires reached 127,600,000 units, decreased by 1.3%.

      According to Qingdao customs, in the first two months of this year, Shandong ports imported 192,000 tons of natural rubber, decreased by 35.5% compared with last year; valued at 1,880,000,000 RMB, decreased by 52.2% compared with last year; the average import price is 9793 RMB per ton, decreased by 26% compared with last year.

      In 2017, tires exported from China reached 197, 000,000 units, increased by 9.39% compared with last year; the value of exported tire reached 66,500,000,000 RMB, increased greatly by 17.39% compared with last year. In 2017, export tire price increased significantly compared with last year. Among them, the number of exported passenger car tires increased by 3.6% and export volume increased by 8.8%. exported truck tires increased by 1.7%, while export value increased greatly by 10.7%, export prices increased 8.85%.

      Ansteel Group Corporation’s fine steel cord got proved by German BMW certification. The certified product is steel cord rod of 5 mm diameter and grade 80, mainly used for car radial tire manufacturing.

      Quechen Silicon Chemical Co., Ltd. IPO prospectus was released for the first time. The company is preparing to be listed on Shanghai stock exchange with no more than 65 million common shares (A shares).

      Sennics (Shandong) Co., Ltd.’s 30,000 tons of annual output of insoluble sulfur project and Shandong Sun-Sine Chemical Co., Ltd.’s rubber accelerator and solid waste treatment project are listed in Heze City’s main projects. According to the schedule, both two rubber fertilizer projects will be completed and put into operation in June.

      According to Dawn Group’s announcement, its wholly-owned subsidiary has invested 110,000,000 RMB to build a special hydrogenated nitrile rubber (phase I) project of 3,000 tons of annual production.

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