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      2019-E-NEWS NO.04

      News Express :

      China Association of Automobile Manufacturers: In March, the production and sales of passenger cars reached 2,090,000 units and 2,019,000 units respectively, increased by 83.3% and 65.6% compared with last month, and decreased by 5% and 6.9% compared with the same period last year. The decline is still greater than the overall decline of automobiles, but the decline is obviously narrowed.

      In March, China's imports of natural and synthetic rubber were 581,000 tons, with year-on-year growth of 0.52% year on year and 56.6% month on month. From January to March, China's total imports of natural and synthetic rubber were 1,571,000 tons, decreased by 4.9% compared with last year.

      Hailide New Material Co., Ltd. released its 2018 annual report on April 7. Last year, the company achieved 3,569,000,000RMB in operating revenue, increased by 12.03% compared with last year. Its polyester cord fabric and polyester industrial filament products are widely used in the tire field.

      On April 23, Jiangsu General Science Technology announced that it had recently received an official document from the investment promotion commission of Thailand (BOI) that its Thai subsidiary will enjoy 100% income tax reduction and exemption within 8 years, with the total amount expected to be more than 2,000,000,000 RMB.

      On April 26, Sailun Group Co., Ltd. released its operating results for 2018. During the reporting period, the company's operating revenue was unchanged from the last year, but its net profit increased by 102.54%, and it set a production target of 40,000,000 units of tires for 2019. The total operating revenue of Sailun Group in 2018 was13,685,000,000 RMB, slightly decreased by 0.88% compared with last year.

      Triangle's total operating revenue in 2018 was 7,511,000,000RMB, decreased by 5.17% compared with the same period last year. The company's annual tire production was 16,773,500 units, down 13.87%, and tire sales were 16,755,200 units, down 9.90%, but the gross profit rate of the product was 21.15%, increased by 2.21%.

      According to the statistics bureau, the domestic synthetic rubber output in March 2019 was 503,000 tons, increased by 2.9% compared with last year; domestic synthetic rubber output from January to March was 1,352,000 tons, increased by 1.1% compared with last year.

      According to the statistics bureau, in March 2019, the domestic output of rubber tire outer tire was 76,393,000 units, increased by 4.0% compared with last year. From January to march, the domestic output of rubber tires was 187,004,000 units, decreased by 4.3% compared with last year.

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