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      2019-E-NEWS NO.10

      News Express :

      ▲According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR and SR (including latex) imports of September 2019 reached 546,000 tons, making the total import amount from January to September 4,713,000 tons. The cumulative volume of imports is decreased by 8% and the amount decreased by 8.4% compared with last year.
      ▲According to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM), sales of automobile from January to August reached 16,100,000 units, decreasing by 11.0% compared with last year. In August, the output and sales of new energy automobile reached 87,000 and 85,000 units, increasing by 31.6% and 32.0% compared with last year. 
      ▲Xing Da Steel Cord (Thailand) Company Limited was formally opened in Chonburi, Thailand a few days ago. It is reported that the factory, with a total investment of 1,000,000,000 RMB, mainly produces steel cord products for passenger cars and truck and bus tires, with an annual design capacity of 100,000 tons.
      ▲Nantong Huili Rubber Co., Ltd. held the commencement ceremony in Haimen new factory. The company decided to implement the second venture, the new environmental protection high-end regeneration 92,000 square meters. The project adopts the most advanced green atmospheric continuous regeneration technology. After the completion of the new project, the annual capacity of environmental protection high-end recycled rubber will be 200,000 tons, and the annual taxable sales will exceed 1,000,000,000 RMB.
      ▲On October 28, the opening ceremony of the Shanghai subsidiary of Sailun Group was held. Sailun said that Shanghai has a unique business environment and quality resources. They will make full use of the advantages of the Shanghai subsidiary to carry out deeper cooperation with partners.
      ▲On October 29, Jiangsu General Science Technology Co., Ltd. released its first three quarters of 2019 report. The company's operating income in the first three quarters reached 2,610,000,000 RMB, net profit reached 93,905,300 RMB, after deducting non-recurring profit and loss, net profit reached 90,766,100 RMB. 

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