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      2015 E-News NO.2

      Release date 2015/2/20
      RubberTech  China 2015
      Contacter:  Mr. Chris Lin  TEL:+86-10-53779792
      FAX:010-53779608    E-mail: rubbertech@www.qddczs.com   
      Reifen  China 2015
      Contacter: Mr. Aron Liu   TEL:010-53779792 
      FAX :010-53779608   E-mail: reifen.china@www.qddczs.com 
      News Express 
      A tire production project of Linglong Tire was started in Liuzhou city, Hunan province in December 2013. When the first session and second session are completed, Linglong Tire will be able to produce 16 million sets of semi-steel radial tires, 1.2 million sets of all steel radial tires and 60,000 sets of OTR radial tires.

      The project with an investment of RMB 1,970 million yuan to produce 2 million sets of high-performance all steel radial tires annually by Kone tyre co., Ltd is now under construction and is expected to be completed by April, 2014. When put into operation, the product line is expected to generate operating revenue worth RMB 2,990 million yuan and net profits worth RMB 263 million yuan.
      Qingdao Sentury Tire Co.,Ltd  is a private enterprise with core technology to produce aircraft tires in Jimo city, Shandong province. It has obtained the ratification of aircraft tires specification issued by Civil Aviation Administration of China and will massively produce aircraft tires for civilian use. It’s expected to produce 10,000 tires by the year of 2015.
      A production line to produce 8 million semi steel radial tires annually by Shanxi Yanchang Petroleum Northwest Rubber Co.,Ltd has been completed and put into operation. It’s said that RMB 1 billion yuan was invested in this project line of world advanced level.

      Statistics of China’s customs show that China’s NR and SR imports in June reached 280,000 tons, making the total imports from January to June 2,180,000 tons, an increase of 12.5%, compared with 1,930,000 tons of last year. However, import value dropped by 10%. The imbalance between import value and import amount showed that the downward trend for the average price of international rubber market hasn’t improved obviously. According to the statistics by China Rubber Industry Association Carbon Black Branch, production of carbon black around the world in 2013 reached 4,702,200 tons, an increase of 7.74% than the previous year.

      LongXing Chemical Stock Co.,Ltd. announced that in order to improve the product structure and make up the shortfall, it has decided to invest RMB 118 million yuan for  its wholly owned subsidiary, Jiaozuo Longxing Chemical Stock Co.,ltd, to build a carbon black line and supporting facilities which can produce 35,000 tons of soft carbon black.
      China’s NR and SR imports in May reached 310,000 tons, making the total imports from January to May 1,900,000 tons, an increase of 12.1%, compared with 1,690,000 tons of last year. Import value decreased by 9.9%. The imbalance between import value and import amount showed that the downward trend for the average price of international rubber market hasn’t improved obviously.
      Cheng Shin Tire/Maxxis has approved an investment plan of 1 billion dollars to set up plants in Indonesia and Taiwan and expand production capacity in China’s mainland. Cheng Shin has recently confirmed an earlier investment of 320 million dollars to build auto and motorcycle plants in Suryacipta industrial zone near Karawang. The construction will start from next year. When the plants are put into production in 2016, it will become the eleventh plant that Cheng Shin has set up around the world. Cheng Shin Tire/Maxxis is recognized as the ninth largest tire manufacturer in the world with sales revenue of 5 billion dollars.

      Environment-friendly NBR3305E and NBR2907E independently developed by Petrochina Research Institute of Petroleum Processing and produced by PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company have entered the market, which marks the stage during which domestic environment-friendly NBR is widely used for industrial production. Test results show that these two types of NBR are free of endocrine disrupting chemicals and carcinogenic substance and can be used in the production of rubber products that can be put into direct contact with human and animals.

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