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      2016 E-News NO.12

      News Express 
      Statistics by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM)show that output and sales of automobiles from January to November in 2016 reached 25,027,000 units and 24,948,000 units respectively, a growth of 14.3% and 14.1% compared with the same period of last year. Output and sales of automobiles in November reached 3,011,000 units and 2,939,000 units respectively, a growth of 17.8% and 16.6% compared with the same period of last year. Automobile output and sales reached a new record high in November.
      Statistics by China’s customs show that China’s NR and SR (including latex) imports in November reached 560,000 tons, making the total imports of NR and SR (including latex) from January to November 5,080,000 tons, compared with 4,130,000 tons of last year. Updated data show as of the end of November, rubber inventory of Qingdao Bonded Zone reached 100,200 tons, including 67,800 tons of NR, 27,300 tons of SR and 5,100 tons of compound rubber. 
      National Development and Reform Commission has released the report on the performance of the chemical industry on October 2016, indicating a 6.8% growth in industry value and a 2.2% decrease in growth rate. Among the major products, the output of synthetic rubber increased by 8.2% to 4, 510,000 tons and the output of rubber tires increased by 7.4% to 778,790,000 units.
      Data by Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China show that volume of passenger transport in October this year reached 13,055 million, decreasing by 4.8% compared with the same period of last year.

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