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      2017 E-News NO.03

      News Express 
      China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM)released the survey on the performance of automobile and motorcycle industry in February 2017. Affected by holiday, the overall production and sales of automobile in February was low, but still maintained a rapid growth compared with last year. The production and sales of automobile both in January and February assumed a growth tendency. Output of automobile in February reached 2,159,600 units, dropping by 8.84% compared with last month. Sales of automobile in February reached 1,939,200 units, increasing by 22.37% compared with last year. 
      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR and SR (including latex) imports of February 2017 reached 560,000 tons, making the total import amount from January to February 1,070,000 tons, an increase of 39.5%, compared with 770,000 tons of last year. The total import of NR (including latex and compound rubber) of China in 2016 reached 4,483,700 units, increasing by 4.63% compared with last year. 
      According to National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the exports of automobile in China assumed a small growth terminating the declining trend in 2015. Statistics of China’s customs showed that automobile exports for 2016 reached 810,000 units, increasing by 7.2% compared with 2015. Among the automobile exports, passenger cars export increased obviously, cars’ growth turned positive, and trucks export was still in a downward trend. The top five automobile exports companies are SAIC Motor, Chery Automobile, Beijing Automotive Group Company, Brilliance Auto, and JAC automotive company.
      According to China Rubber Industry Association (CRIA), total output value of rubber chemicals in 2016 reached 19,210,000,000 RMB, increasing by 5.1% compared with 2015; sales revenue reached 18,760,000,000 RMB in 2016, increasing by 7.4% compared with 2015. Total output of rubber chemicals reached 1,121,000 tons, increasing by 10.6% compared with 2015. Export value of rubber chemicals reached 5,600,000,000 RMB in 2016, dropping by 3.6% compared with 2015. Export volume of rubber chemicals reached 328,000 tons, increasing by 1.5% compared with last year. According to statistics, per capita income of rubber chemical industry reached 1,210,000 RMB.

      The Global Rubber, Latex & Tire Expo 2018 will be jointly held by TechnoBiz and China United Rubber Corporation in BITEC during March 14-16 2018. The exhibition involves rubber, latex, tires and non-tire products and related technology display and technical exchange. There will be seminars and training courses held during the exhibition. Exhibitors mainly come from 25 countries and regions including Thailand, China, United States, United Kingdom, German, France, Italy, Canada, Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Spain, Vietnam, Belgium, Taiwan, and other. Audiences come from 51 countries and regions. Exhibition area reached 9,600 square meters.

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