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      2017 E-News NO.05

      News Express 
      China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM)released the survey on the performance of automobile and motorcycle industry in April 2017. Demand for automobile was weak in April. Sales of automobile fell compared with the same period of last month and last year. Output and sales of automobile in April reached 2,138,000 units and 2,084,000 units respectively, decreasing by 1.9% and 2.2% respectively compared with last year. Output and sales of automobile from January to April reached 9,271,000 units and 9,086,000 units, increasing by 5.4% and 4.6% respectively compared with last year. 
      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR and SR (including latex) imports for April 2017 reached 584,000 tons. NR and SR (including latex) imports from January to April reached 2,353,000 tons, increasing by 30.3% compared with 1,810,000 tons of last year. The import value increased by 109.3% compared with last year. Imports grew more than three times as much as imports. Thus it can be seen that international rubber market prices are on the rise. Up to 2nd May, rubber inventory in Qingdao Free Trade Port Zone reached 249,800 tons, increasing by 13.5%. Up to end-April, NR inventory in Shanghai Futures Exchange reached 337,000 tons. 
      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR and SR (including latex) imports for April 2017 reached 584,000 tons. NR and SR (including latex) imports from January to April reached 2,353,000 tons, increasing by 30.3% compared with 1,810,000 tons of last year. The import value increased by 109.3% compared with last year. Imports grew more than three times as much as imports. Thus it can be seen that international rubber market prices are on the rise. Up to 2nd May, rubber inventory in Qingdao Free Trade Port Zone reached 249,800 tons, increasing by 13.5%. Up to end-April, NR inventory in Shanghai Futures Exchange reached 337,000 tons.
      Statistics of China’s customs showed that exports of new pneumatic rubber tyres reached 40,960,000 units, increasing by 10.6% compared with last year. The export value reached 8,050 million RMB, increasing by 8.8% compared with last year. Total export of new pneumatic rubber tyres from January to March reached 109,000,000 units, increasing by 7.1% compared with last year; total export value reached 20.5 billion RMB, increasing by 9.1% compared with last year. 

      SR output in March 2017 reached 464,000 units, increasing by 10.5% compared with last year. The output of first quarter reached 1,342,000 units, increasing by 11.8% compared with last year.

      Automobile sales of China are expected to reach 35,000,000 units in 2025, and new energy vehicles will accounts for at least 20%. China's urbanization and overseas expansion by local car-makers will help drive annual sales, increasing by 25% compared with last year. China is now the world's largest car market. The sales of 2016 reached 28,000,000 units, and sales of electric cars and hybrid cars continued to grow. By 2020, sales of new energy vehicles are expected to reach 2,000,000 units, and it will account for more than 20% of total car sales by 2025. 

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