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      2017 E-News NO.08

      News Express 
      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR (including latex) imports of July 2017 reached 471,000 tons, NR (including latex) imports from January to July reached 3,887,000 tons, increasing by 24.9% compared with 3,111,000 tons of last year. The import value increased by 85.7% compared with last year. The increase in import volume is much higher than that of imports, so the price of international rubber market continues to strengthen. Up to end-July, rubber inventory in Qingdao Free Trade Port Zone reached 156,600 tons, decreasing by 11.8% compared with mid-July. 
      National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has released the survey on the performance of chemical industry for the first half of 2017. The value added for chemical industry during the first half of 2017 increased by 4.5% compared with last year, where growth rate decreased by 4.7% compared with last year. Of the major products manufactured, the output of SR reached 2,820,000 tons, increasing by 6.8%; rubber tires reached 484,130,000 units, increasing by 7.7%. 
      China Rubber Industry Association do the statistics on 11 branches 393 key member enterprises coming from ire, rubber duct tape, rubber products, rubber shoes, latex, carbon black, waste rubber comprehensive utilization, rubber machinery mold, rubber auxiliaries, skeleton materials, etc. Key member enterprises completed the current price industrial output of 1345.72 billion RMB from January to May, increasing 14.44% compared with last year; completed sales revenue of 126.877 billion RMB, increasing 15.1% compared with last year; completed export value of the goods 40155 million RMB, increasing 18.37% compared with last year; completed profit tax 6.809 billion RMB, decreasing 16.63% compared with last year; completed profit 43.92 billion RMB, decreasing 7.83% compared with last year.
      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR imports for the first half of 2017 reached 1,450,000 tons, increasing by 24.4% compared with last year, and the import value increased by 108.4%. SR imports reached 1,970,000 tons, increasing by 29.3% compared with last year, and the import value increased by 86.5%.

      China's total production of rubber additives in the first half of 2017 reached 602,000 tons, including 208,000 tons of rubber accelerator, antiager 197,000 tons, completed sales revenue 9.89 billion RMB, export volume 193,000 tons, increasing 7.2% compared with last year.

      According to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM), the growth rate of China's automobiles sales for the first half of 2017 slowed down compared with last year. The growth rate of passenger car sales decreased obviously compared with last year, and commercial vehicle growth is significantly higher than that of the same period of last year. Output of automobiles for the first half of 2017 reached 13,525,800 units, increasing by 4.64% compared with last year; Sales of automobiles for the first half of 2017 reached 13,353,900 units, increasing by 3.81% compared with last year. Output and sales of passenger cars reached 11,482,700 units and 11,253,000 units, increasing by 3.16% and 1.61% compared with last year. Output and sales of commercial vehicles reached 2,043,000 units and 2,100,900 units, increasing by 13.8% and 17.39% respectively compared with last year. Output and sales of motorcycles reached 8,469,200 units and 8,496,900 units respectively, and the growth rate continues to accelerate.

      China's tire exports in June reached 42,416,000 units, slightly increasing by 0.3% compared with last year. For the first half of the year, China tire exports reached 230,000,000 units, increasing by 2.9% compared with last year. Exports to North American market fell by 1.4% in June compared with last year, and saw no growth altogether from January to June compared with last year. Exports to Canada rose in the first six months of the year, increasing by 25% in June. Exports to Mexico fell by 24.8% in June compared with last year. Exports to Germany increased by 20.4% and exports to U.K increased by 0.9% compared with last year. In the first half the year, exports to the Middle East have declined, with Saudi Arabia decreasing by 5% and UAE decreasing by 7% compared with last year. In addition, exports to Brazil, Nigeria and Russia increased by 63.2%, 35% and 23% respectively in the first half of 2017.

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