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      2017-E-NEWS NO.12

      News Express :

      China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM)released the survey on the performance of automobile and motorcycle industry in October 2017. Output and sales of automobile in October increased compared with the same period of last year. Output and sales of automobile in October reached 2,604,000 units and 2,704,000 units respectively, increasing by 0.7% and 2% compared with last year. Output and sales of automobile from January to October reached 22,957,000 units and 22,927,000 units, increasing by 4.3% and 4.1% compared with last year.

      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR and SR (including latex) imports for November 2017 reached 674,000 tons. NR and SR (including latex) imports from January to November 2017 reached 6,319,000 tons, increasing by 24.4% compared with 5,080,000 tons of last year. The import value increased by 66.2% compared with last year. Up to the mid-November, rubber inventory in Qingdao Free Trade Port Zone is 206,100 tons, increasing by 3.57% compared with last year, including 11,460 tons of NR and 87,500 tons of SR.

      National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has released the survey on the performance of chemical industry for last three quarters. The value added for chemical industry of last three quarters  increased by 3.8% compared with last year, but growth rate decreased by 4.8% compared with last year. Of the major products manufactured, SR output reached 4,320,000 tons, increasing by 2.3%; synthetic fibre reached 35,190,000 tons, increasing by 5.8%; and rubber tires reached 724,730,000 units, increasing by 5.8%.

      According to the General Administration of Customs of China, NR imports for October 2017 reached 180,000 tons, increasing by 0.4% compared with last year; the value of imports increased by 14.4%. From January to October, NR imports reached 2,200,000 tons, increased by 18% compared with last year, and the value of imports increased by 75.2%. SR imports for October 2018 reached 350,000 tons, increasing by 32% compared with last year, and the value of imports increased by 45.8%. From January to October, SR imports reached 3,440,000 tons, increased by 29.8% compared with last year, and the value of imports increased by 69.4%.

      Guizhou Tyre Co.,Ltd has signed the agreement to invest 400 million USD to build an all steel radial tire plant in Vietnam with an annual production capacity of 1,200,000 units. The project construction period will be 12 months.

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