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      2018-E-NEWS NO.07

      News Express :

      On July 14, Guizhou Tyre Co., Ltd. released its earnings forecast for the second half of 2018, predicting that operating income and operating profit in the first half of the year would rise in the same direction as a year earlier. According to Guizhou Tyre, the net profit of the company from January to June will reach 25,000,000-35,000,000 RMB, an increase of 199.4% - 319.1% compared with the same period last year of 8,351,100 RMB; Basic earnings per share were about 0.032 -0.045 RMB, more than doubling from 0.011 RMB a year earlier.

      According to the announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission and other six departments, from July 1, 2018, the equipment in the import list of major technical equipment and products (revised in 2017) will no longer enjoy the preferential tax exemption when it is imported into China, and import duties will be levied in accordance with the regulations. That means it will be more expensive for international equipment makers to export to China, which could be reflected in the prices of foreign equipment purchased by rubber companies such as tires. China rubber net has learned that two equipment used in the rubber industry are listed in this catalogue, namely rubber screw extruder and mechanical tire finalizing vulcanizing press.

      On June 28, Shandong Yanggu Huatai Chemical Co., Ltd made a forecast for the first half of 2018. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in the first six months is 206,000,000 – 231,000,000 RMB, an increase of 155% - 185% over the 81,000,000 RMB compared with same period last year.

      On June 29, under the guidance of the ministry of industry and information technology and sponsored by the China federation of electronic information industry, the "2018 China top 100 software and information technology services comprehensive competitiveness conference" was held. Mesnac Co.,Ltd has become the only company in the rubber and tire industry to be selected as "top 100 enterprises".

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