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      2019-E-NEWS NO.02

      News Express :

      Guangxi Xinguilun Rubber Co., Ltd. was established in November last year and now produces 1,500 tires per day. The company plans to implement technical transformation this year and increase production equipment to increase the daily production capacity to 4,500 to 5,500 tires.

      In 2018, Donghai Rubber & Plastic (Hefei) Co., Ltd. filed three high-pressure rubber hose and high-pressure oil pipe projects in Hefei Economic Development Zone with a total investment of about 150,000,000 RMB, further increasing the pace of investment in China.

      On February 19, Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd. announced a long-term and in-depth cooperation with a large domestic coking company, China Xuyang Group Co., Ltd., in a bid to further enhance the company's overall strength and profitability, and a strategic cooperation agreement was signed on the same day.

      Triangle Tire China Market Business Summit 2019 was held in Weihai. More than 200 partners from across the country attended the conference.

      On February 26, board of directors of Shandong Linglong Tire Co., Ltd. announced its 2018 annual earnings report. The tire maker's total operating revenue was 15,302,000,000 RMB in 2018. In the same period, the company's operating profit reached 1,328,000,000 RMB, increased by 19.01% compared with last year.

      According to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers(CAAM), the number of passenger cars sold in China in January was 2,021,100 units, decreased by 17.71% compared with last year, the decline was further extended from the previous month; decreased by 9.5% compared with last month. Car sales in January were 2,370,000 units, decreased by 15.8% compared with last year. The 17.7% year-on-year monthly decline was the biggest drop in passenger car sales since January 2012. It was also the seventh consecutive month of year-on-year declines in passenger car sales.

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