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      2020-E-NEWS NO.02

      News Express :
      ▲According to a recent survey of 212 component companies by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Wuhan suffered the highest revenue loss of 200,000,000 RMB due to the epidemic, while the companies with revenue losses of 20,000,000 to 50,000,000 RMB accounted for 16%. Revenue losses can be estimated, but the impact on the entire industrial chain is incalculable, and not just for Chinese companies. The problems in the automotive supply chain caused by delays, segregation of workers and stalled logistics are spreading around the world.
      ▲Robots go to work to fight the epidemic. On Feb. 10, Greatoo Intelligent Equipment Inc. adopted a "machine replacement" strategy to maximize the role of Intelligent Equipment, such as automated production lines, and Intelligent robots, in resuming work and returning to production.
      ▲On February 5th, Jiangsu Anji Tire Co., Ltd., with annual capacity of 1,200,000 sets of high performance steel explosion-proof radial tire project obtained record in Jiangsu Shuyang Investment Project Departments. After the project is put into operation, it will fill the gap of domestic truck and bus safety tires, and the market potential and application prospect will be unlimited.
      ▲On February 12, the foundation stone laying ceremony was held for the construction of three civil engineering projects of the Thailand steel plant of Zhongce. Zhongce Rubber Group accelerates the launch of global strategic layout. As the first overseas production base, Zhongce Rubber (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has a total investment of 1,000,000,000 RMB and is equipped with the most advanced production equipment in the world. It started operation in 2015 and greatly met the actual needs of customers in Southeast Asia.
      ▲OTire companies are cutting costs. China's first carbon black repackage and transfer project passed the acceptance inspection. Dayu Logistics Hefei Branch is mainly engaged in the business of carbon black repackage and shipment, with the design of annual repackage and transfer of carbon black 19,800 tons. The project was approved by the EIA in November 2017, and the construction of the project is basically in accordance with the requirements of the EIA. After the carbon black dust collected by waste packaging materials and cloth bag filter, it will be collected by Jinneng Technology Co., Ltd. (carbon black supplier).
      ▲In January 2020, the heavy truck market in China sold about 116,000 units of various types of vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 18% and a quarter-on-quarter growth of 26%, achieving an expected growth. Since July 2019, the heavy truck market has achieved seven consecutive monthly sales increases compared with the same period last year. The growth in the previous six months was 1.5%, 2%, 7.5%, 14.1%, 13.8% and 11.7% respectively.
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