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      CHINA UNITED CORPORATION was founded in April 1993,and evloved from the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

      Since 1995, CHINA UNITED CORPORATION is Authorized for foreign trade

      In April 1997,china rubber group was set united rubber corporation charged its name to CHINA UNITED RUBBER (GROUP) CORP .

      Since March 1998,china united rubber is under the leadership of CHINA HAOHUA CHEMICAL INDUSTRY (GROUP) CORP.

      Since July 1999, 6 national rubber research institutes originally attached to ministry of chemical industry merged into china united rubber (group) corp. after the china science and technology system reform.


      On December 30, 2008, with the authorization of Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce, China United Rubber (Group) Corp. was renamed China United Rubber Corporation.



      On March 15, 2016, with the authorization of Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce, we renamed China United Rubber Corporation.

      On November 9, 2016, CURC got listed through National Equities Exchange and Quotations (stock code: 838665).

      聯系我們 | 常見問題 | 法律聲明 | 站點地圖 | 京ICP備19004835號-4
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